Outdoor B.B.Q. Party on June 15, 2013
星星中文学校2012-2013学年的教学已接近了尾声。 在这一年里,承蒙您的大力支持与关照,学校各项工作都进行地很顺利。 星星中文学校不但在本州,也在周围地区有了一定的声誉。 我们的教师队伍逐步健全、教学质量不断提高、学生数量逐渐增加。我们学校正在稳定健康地发展壮大。
再次感谢您的大力支持。我们期待着与您携手合作,把星星中文学校越办越好! 我因出差在中国不能按时返美,一切活动将在校委会安排下如期举行.
Dear Students and Parents:
2012-2013 Academic Year will soon come to an end. We will start the registration for the 2013-2014 new academicyear from June 8, 2013. $10 discount will be offered for each student who register on or before the end of this academic year (June 15, 2013).
All Chinese teachers and students are required to arrive school on time ( 9:30am) on June15, 2013. At 10:15 am, all teachers and students including math class teachers and students will gather together at the cafeteria for the Star Chinese School Year-End Celebration Party. We will present the award trophies and certificates to the winners of the 4th Chinese writing/Composition Competition, the 4th Chinese Reading/Speech Competition, and the 3rd Math Bowl Competition. The outdoor B.B.Q. party starts at 11:30 Am at the pavilions behind the church parking lot.
We cordially invite our students, parents, and families to attend this event. Our school will prepare delicious main courses and beverages. We encourage you to bring one or two of your favorite dishes from your home to share with us in a form of potluck party. We also need some of our parents to help us in B.B.Q cooking and cleaning.
I’m currently travelling in China and couldn’t return RI as I expected. All activities/events will be held as scheduled by the school committee. Once again, thank you in advance for your generous support and we look forward to working with you again in the next academic year!
Best wishes.
Kevin Wang